I specialize in business-to-business (B2B) companies that sell complex product and service offerings.
FREE white paper
"Marketing Communications as Product Development: Building the
Portable Salesperson"
When your marketing communications meet the standard of "portable salesperson" you do more than help your sales force. You grow your sales force.
How does your sales force grow?
What's an illustration of a portable salesperson?
What does it take to build one?
How does the portable salesperson both confirm and tweak the way you may think about your marketing communications?
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"What Can B2B Marketers Learn from B2C? The Same Things B2C Can Learn from B2B... A Closer Look at B2B and B2C Copy that Succeed for the Same Reasons"
We business-to-business (B2B) sales & marketing professionals naturally feel our business-to-consumer (B2C) counterparts exist on a different planet.
But when you look at effective B2C and B2B copy side by side, you know what? The differences are often just cosmetic. (And not necessarily even that.)
The gears turning in the background are the same. The reasons they do their job WELL are the same.
In this analysis, I...
- Explain three shared qualities between effective B2B and B2C copy.
- Compare examples of B2B and B2C copy examining how each accomplishes the same goals. (I examine three sets of examples.)
- Sum up what this knowledge means to you!
Read the analysis now
"Effective Marketing Copy: It's Not Just About Benefits"
You've heard it many times: if you want your marketing materials to do their job, you have to stress benefits, not features.
But back up...
With all the focus on "benefits" it's easy to forget that benefits don't work in a vacuum. Whenever you write copy, there's more you must always keep in mind....
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